Electric Car Charger Installations

Electric modes of transportation and especially cars are becoming more and more popular in Europe. Electric cars are more cost efficient and don't emit toxic fumes. Many of our clients wish to charge their electric cars conveniently at home or their business, which is why, we offer the installation of cost efficient and modern car chargers.

Finished Projects

Our Tailored Service

Electric and hybrid vehicles are swiftly becoming the preferred mode of transport across Europe, driven by their environmental benefits and cost savings on fuel. As the demand for electric vehicles (EVs) grows, so does the need for convenient and reliable charging solutions. Our company specializes in providing custom electric car charger installations tailored to the specific needs of our clients, whether for residential, corporate, or commercial settings. We conduct detailed site assessments to ensure our charging solutions integrate smoothly with existing infrastructures and meet our clients' unique requirements.

We are capable of installing a wide range of car chargers, from simple home-use models to advanced systems for commercial areas, focusing on quality and incorporating the latest EV charging technology. This includes smart chargers with features like remote monitoring, scheduling to leverage off-peak rates, and usage tracking.

Our service extends beyond installation, offering comprehensive customer support, advice on the best charger for your case and flexible maintenance packages. We support a shift towards a more sustainable future. Our expertise ensures a smooth transition to electric mobility, making us your ideal partner in this journey.

Request a Quote:

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Please select the type of request:

Choose a service...
  • Electric Installations & Future Proofing
  • Solar Panel Installations
  • Light Installations
  • Electric Car Chargers
  • Other

Are you an organisation or a person?

In what country are you based?

In what country and city do you require our services?

Please describe what you would like us to do.

Please describe the size and area of the work to be completed.

If applicable, please state any special requests.

If applicable, is the building in a bad condition?

Are there parking options near the location?

How did you find out about us?




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Details of your request:

Attach files:

If you wish to install an electric charger, please attach an image of required dimensions

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Thank you for your request!

We will contact you as soon as possible.

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